Facial Diagnosis for Mental Health
Facial diagnosis allows us to examine possibilities of conditions like depression and mania as well as Chinese medicine patterns. Recognizing clues about shen on the face can lead to discoveries about previous traumas and how to heal from them and the state of the organs and meridians affected.
Incorporating Patient Narratives for Best Outcomes
Incorporating patients’ narratives is imperative for best outcomes. Patient narratives can influence what additional information is requested prior to evaluation; provide clues for initial intake approach and questions; and affect diagnosis and treatment planning.
A Multi-Faceted Approach to Treating Neuromuscular Facial condition
Treating neuro-muscular facial conditions including Bell’s palsy, Trigeminal,Neuralgia, TMJ and others can be challenging. Michelle Gellis will provide an overview of techniques and protocols for these conditions including submuscular needling, scalp acupuncture, facial motor points, and facial cupping, that when used in combination can provide more expedient and effective results.
Treatment Strategies Based on Facial Diagnosis for Women’s Health
Ultimate Practice Playbook: How to Earn Multiple 6-Figures in 12 Months
Making multiple 6-figures consistently year after year can be easy when you understand the 80/20 rule. 80% of your success depends on mindset and 20% on aligned action. In this 3 hour workshop Doctor East will walk you through the steps to creating abundant revenue streams using the 80/20 rule. Attendees will receive a workbook to use in the workshop. Because of you, your patients live their best lives. Now it’s your turn.
Strategies and Approaches for Complex Cases
From preparation to initial intake to treatment planning, complex cases require a strategy to manage their multiple aspects including co-morbidities, labs and imaging, and collaborations and cross-referrals with other healthcare providers.
Incorporating Microneedling into Your Practice
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of microneedling for acupuncturists. Explore how to choose effective tools, and how to create an effective Chinese medicine treatment.
Surviving Survival: The Role of Spirit in Healthy Aging
This course will describe a comprehensive plan to address the complexities of living into a robust old age with Chinese medicine. Examine treatment options with Eight Extraordinary vessels for the brain/shen, orthopedic applications/pain, organ systems, and constitution.
Afternoon Qigong
Qi Gong for Health Professionals is a short sequence of stretching and moving exercises designed to support health professionals in their practices.These execises are drawn from Yijnijing and Taijiquan practices.
Morning Qigong
Qi Gong for Health Professionals is a short sequence of stretching and moving exercises designed to support health professionals in their practices.These execises are drawn from Yijnijing and Taijiquan practices.