There are three centers that hold vast amounts of Qi energy deep inside your body. These three Energy Centers are called Dantians and regulate your capacity for wisdom, love, and vitality. The relative strength of these qualities determines your energy type.
If you can tap wisdom more easily than love, for example, you may be brilliant but emotionally blocked and unable to open your heart and connect with others deeply. Or if you express love more easily than wisdom you may have a noble heart full of good intentions but timing your actions wisely becomes an issue.
In most of us, one of these centers tends to be stronger than the other two and one center tends to be weaker than the other two. This energetic imbalance manifest as an imbalance in daily life since Qi and life reflect each other.
In this lecture, Robert Peng will explore the nature of Qi energy and the theory behind these Energy Centers. He will analyze 6 types of energy imbalance and its relevant personalities. And he will introduce a simple but practical Qigong to balance these three Dantians and deepen the connection between your internal energies and the energies of Heaven and Earth.