Mazin Al-Khafaji, Dr. of Chinese Medicine (Shanghai, China)

Mazin Al-Khafaji, Doctor of Chinese Medicine (Shanghai, China); FRCHM.

Mazin Al-Khafaji is recognized worldwide as the Western world authority on Dermatology related disorders in Chinese Medicine. He graduated as Doctor of Chinese Medicine from the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1987. Since then, he has been in full time practice entirely devoted to three main areas – autoimmune disease, allergic disease, and skin disease. He is the author of numerous articles and co-author of the international textbook A Manual of Acupuncture which is an essential text for most Chinese medicine students in the U.S.

Mazin lectures widely all over the world, and over the past 20 years has run the Dermatology Diploma Programme in both Europe & North America (, with all graduates of this program automatically becoming members of the International TCM Dermatology Association (

He has developed the unique Dermatology-M range of topical products and herbal functional cosmetics from Chinese herbal ingredients to address many common skin disorders ( &

Election Day

Due to Election Day on November 5th, we would like to offer maximum flexibility to those who wish to register for Mazin’s 2-day Post-Symposium course, as it extends into voting day. You may:

  1. Vote early so you can be in person live on-ground for the 2 day class.
  2. Attend one day live and the second day online
  3. Attend just day 1 (and get half the CEUs; 1 day instead of 2) and watch the recording of day 2 at your leisure for your edification
  4. Register for the full two days online live-streaming

You do not have to inform us ahead of time which of these options you will be registering for. When you submit your Attendance Verification form for CEUs, you will check off day 1 and/or day 2 for credit. Check one or both to attest that you were present for those days.

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