Putting the Traditional Back into TCM: Taking Back a Mis-Translated Name

I lived in China from 1986 to 2014, learning Traditional Chinese Medicine from the last doctors born and educated prior to 1949. That means I learned TCM, because that is what TCM stands for: Traditional Chinese Medicine. How people in the west mis-named China’s attempt at creating a modern Chinese medicine (MCM) as TCM is an interesting story, but more interesting is finding out what the true TCM I learned and can still be found in China today is. Come join me for a fun, perspective shifting hour on what is Traditional, what it takes to be a traditional practitioner, and why we should all study TCM if we wish to take full advantage of the classic texts in the clinic.

Ethics of Managing Patients’ Expectations

How many treatments will it take? What results can I expect? Will it hurt? How much younger will I look with cosmetic acupuncture? This session will explore ethical practices and interactive skills of practitioner-patient communication as it applies to the discussion of acupuncture process and results, inspiring patient trust, compliance and retention while adhering to ethical practices.

Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Blue Poppy

Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Treasure of the East

Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Mayway

Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Rupa Health

Why Sex? – Theories and Logistics on the Use of Sex as a Healing Modality in Classical Chinese Medicine

The use of sex as a healing modality is ancient and developed alongside the foundational theories of CM. In this presentation Dr. Felice Dunas will explore the birth and evolution of these practices, how they survived through China’s evolving history and what they have to offer a clinician in practice today. This will be both an historical exploration and a clinically relevant presentation with immediately applicable tools. .

Nerve Entrapment Syndromes and The Binding Regions of TCM – Introduction

In this presentation, we will discuss anatomical regions that predispose spinal and peripheral nerves toward compression. Often from a narrowed tunnel or due to a thickening of an overlying myofascial structure, nerve compression can decrease the nerve’s potential to nourish the innervated tissue. There are varying levels of nerve compression, which many times can be a silent contributor to musculoskeletal pain located distal to the entrapment site. The anatomical locations of the nerve entrapments can be viewed as “binding regions” of the channel sinews.

A World on Fire : The Epidemic of Alienation

In this session we will look at the modern crisis we are facing in our world: becoming cut off from nature, from each other, from our bodies, and ultimately from our true nature. When we feel alienated from our nature, we become inflamed. Chinese medicine teaches that we are a microcosm of our world, founded on the principle of treating relationships. One has only to look at the fires raging around the world last year to understand the metaphor for how inflammation lies at the root of so many chronic health problems today.

Evidence-Informed Practice: The Prescribing of Chinese Herbs to Treat Patients with Symptoms that May be Related to COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in the US early in 2020, many acupuncturists treated patients with symptoms related to COVID-19 infection. We conducted a study to explore how acupuncturists accessed information and devised Chinese herbal medicine treatment strategies for patients with symptoms that may have been related to COVID-19 infection. Our study consisted of a survey and qualitative interviews. Questions were designed to elicit information about what evidence sources were used in devising Chinese herbal medicine formulas, and about other aspects of providing patient care during the early stages of the pandemic. This talk will present the findings from this study along with perspectives on the application of evidence-based medicine to ancient healing systems.

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