Light therapy is one of the fastest growing fields in medicine. Recent published research abounds and understanding of the mechanisms and therapeutic uses of light are evolving at a rapid pace both in the Chinese medicine field and in healthcare overall. Proven effects of light therapies at the cellular level beget exciting possibilities and greater understanding of how this modality can be best used to optimize health for our patients and ourselves. In this course, we will dive into discussion, examples and application of how known cellular effects influence larger tissues and organ function, and how that translates to potential neurological and systemic responses. We will address questions of whether and how laser therapy is appropriate for health challenges including musculoskeletal injury, neurological symptoms, kidney and liver related conditions, and autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This class will address how the interlay of Chinese medicine theories relates to light therapy, and how the micro-understanding and macro-understanding of light therapies integrate in clinical practice for the most effective and efficient healing.