We will use an East-meets-West framework for exploring the nature of trauma and our body’s inherent capacity to restore balance and regulation.
Neurobiology describes 5 steps that both “4-leggeds” and “2-leggeds” use to navigate danger. These 5 steps are mirrored in the 5 Elements and the movement through the Shen Cycle. When we move successfully through each of these steps, we are less likely to suffer long term symptoms from a brush with danger. However, if one of those steps is thwarted, the brace or collapse that results will likely be found in a corresponding tissue, organ or function of the Element associated with that particular step. Our medicine opens up a critically useful diagnostic framework to support movement that restores balance and regulation in what is often a hidden-away tissue or function.
Integrating Polyvagal Theory with the Shen Cycle informs the critical role that acupuncturists can play in restoring regulation in the Kidney/Heart axis and brings clarity to the role all healers can play in mitigating the impact of ancestral trauma, impulsive violence, and health disparities. Restoring balance and regulation in one individual then influences their family, coworker and community. Our nation needs its healers!