Dear Colleagues!

Every year, speakers and attendees ask us if there’s a theme for the coming year’s Pacific Symposium. Following in the footsteps of Symposium founder and former College President Jack Miller (still a background influence as President of Pacific’s Board of Directors) we advise speakers to choose what excites and inspires them the most. Even if topics are similar, the different approaches and perspectives make for a richer and more interesting experience.

2024 is a vibrant mix of opportunities to gain not only practical clinical skills like tui na (Bill Helm), skull palpation (Clayton Shiu), and holding space (Gary Strauss), but also demos and insights from experts such as Matt Callison, Battlefield Acupuncture’s John Howard, and more. Masters like Z’ev Rosenberg and Kiiko Matsumoto will share ancient wisdom on wei qi and immune/autoimmune disorders, and on source points and the Ling Shu. Speakers will also teach you how to integrate the newest research and techniques (Beau Anderson), invigorate your passion for practice (East Phillip), and manage side effects from pharmaceutical interventions (Mazin Al-Khafaji, Yair Maimon, and John Chen).

Populations and conditions? A sprawling array will be covered: pediatrics; trauma survivors; pregnant, laboring and post-partum clients; menopause; Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s; digestive disorders; headaches; psoriasis; cardiac conditions; musculoskeletal conditions; and more. There’s also Henry McCann with Master Tung, and Bridgette Shea on integrating Ayurveda with Chinese medicine. NCCAOM-required Safety and Ethics courses are included, with internationally-renowned herb/drug safety expert John Chen, inspiring practical tips from Camilla Yu on managing micro-aggressions, and hot-off-the-press updates from the American Acupuncture Council.

We look forward to an inspiring, practical, thought-provoking, and of course fun time at Pacific Symposium 2024, with great new products, services, and deals from vendors, and with parties, the Polar Bear Plunge, book signings, networking, and of course: you!

Pacific Symposium

Rob Nadeau and Cynthia Neipris

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