Alaine Duncan

Alaine Duncan has a unique approach acupuncture that integrates polyvagal theory and the neurobiology of the self-protective response with ancient healing principles of Chinese medicine. This clinical fascination has carried her heart to places and people she never imagined when she graduated from acupuncture school in 1990, and completed Somatic Experiencing training in 2007. Alaine […]

John Chen

John Chen

Dr. John Chen, PhD, OMD, LAc, is a recognized authority on Chinese herbal medicine and Western pharmacology. Holding doctoral degrees from both USC School of Pharmacy and South Baylo University, he currently teaches at USC and other universities of traditional Chinese medicine. Chen actively participates in education and research, and lectures widely at conferences at […]

Z’ev Rosenberg

zev rosenberg

Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac., is recognized as one of the first generation of practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine in America. Before opening his practice in acupuncture and herbal medicine in 1983, he was a shiatsu therapist and macrobiotic counselor since 1975 in Denver, Colorado and Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was one of the initiators […]

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