Yuval Ron

Yuval Ron

Yuval Ron is a world-renowned musician, composer, educator, peace activist, and record producer. Among his many honors, he composed the music for the Oscarwinning film West Bank Story and was invited to perform for the Dalai Lama. Ron has collaborated with the Sufi leader Pir Zia Inayat Khan, master musician Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Hirokazu Kosaka, choreographers Daniel Ezralow and Oguri, and neuroscientists Mark Robert Waldman and Andrew Newburg. He was awarded the Los Angeles Treasures Award and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, American Composers Forum, California Council for the Humanities, and the Rockefeller Foundation. Ron has also lectured at schools including Yale, Johns Hopkins University, UCLA, MIT, Berklee College of Music, University of Chicago and many others. He has been on the faculty of Esalen Institute, is an affiliated artist with the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity, and a “Guiding Voice” for Seven Pillars – House of Wisdom. Yuval’s first book, Divine Attunement: Music as a Path to Wisdom, won the Gold Medal for Best Book in the Spirituality Category at the Indie Book Awards 2015. To listen to the music of Yuval Ron and to find more information about his recordings, books, talks, master-classes, workshops and concerts, please visit: www.yuvalronmusic.com 

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