Yair Maimon, OMD, PhD Ac

Yair Maimon is an internationally renowned figure in the field of Integrative and Chinese Medicine with over 30 years of clinical, academic, and research experience in the United States, Europe, China and Israel. He is the president of the ETCMA -European TCM Association, which includes Chinese medicine associations from 24 countries.

Dr. Maimon, formally the director of the complementary medical unit at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, founded and directed an integrative oncology research center at Sheba Medical Center in Israel. Dr. Maimon has published several outstanding research articles in prominent scientific medical journals showing unique, promising results on the effect of herbal medicine in cancer care. He was Invited to present the findings at UNESCO and the World Health Organization. Maimon is the founder of TCM Academy of integrative medicine (TCM.AC) and has been a keynote lecturer and taught post-graduate training seminars at many international conferences on Integrative and Chinese Medicine. He most recently co-authored the book “TCM Oncology Insights” with the late Giovanni Maciocia.

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