Nerve Entrapment Syndromes and The Binding Regions of TCM – Applications
This 1-day workshop will continue with information presented in the earlier introductory lecture. Because subtle levels of nerve compression can affect the axoplasmic flow and nerve conduction, nerve entrapment sites could be considered as “binding regions” and act as a silent contributor to injury. For the TCM practitioner, when treating a musculoskeletal injury, understanding where the proximal nerve compression sites are located is important for positive clinical outcomes.
Cannabis Care as Art and Science: Why We Need Holistic Approaches
This class will provide the learners with the opportunity to explore why holistic approaches and integrative modalities should be used when providing cannabis care. We will delve into the following questions: How is working with patients who self-titrate cannabis differ from traditional allopathic, prescriptive approaches? Why is coaching an essential skill that all cannabis-care practitioners must build? How do we support patients with realizing their best quality of life?
Trauma is Vibrational Illness; Acupuncture is Vibrational Medicine
Using ancient principles of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturists are trained to facilitate whole-body coherence between yin and yang; balance and regulation in the Kidney/Heart axis and a smooth flow through the cycle of seasons and Elements. Integrating neurobiology’s 5 Steps of the Self-Protective Response (hint: they mirror the 5 Elements!) and the framework of Polyvagal Theory in the context of the Shen Cycle will illuminate diagnostic information and treatment room skills that will revolutionize your practice, your service to your patients, and your contribution to the healing of our world.
Traditional Medicine in the Era of Telehealth: Communication and Herbal Recordkeeping
There is no doubt that rapidly evolving telehealth brought on by Covid-19 is here to stay. Morning hour will be devoted to the HIPAA compliance for patient-practitioner communication and FDA requirements for TCM herbal record keeping.
6 Dantian Typologies & Personalities
There are three centers that hold vast amounts of Qi energy deep inside your body. These three Energy Centers are called Dantians and regulate your capacity for wisdom, love, and vitality. The relative strength of these qualities determines your energy type.
Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Pacific College FACE Program
Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Acufast Earth Friendly Needle
Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Lhasa OMS
Exclusive Exhibitor Presentation: Acurea Medical and Asiamed
The Oneness System: The Vital Role of Ministerial Fire in Chinese Medicine Immunology
This presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the concept of Ministerial Fire and its acute relevance for the approach to recalcitrant diseases including COVID-19.