Transforming Trauma: Cultivating Capacity in the Kidney/Heart Axis (2-day workshop)

The kidney/heart axis is fundamental to our core regulation. It is an embodied expression of the dynamic tension between yin and yang, water and fire, brain stem and neocortex, and sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic function. It can also be profoundly disturbed in survivors of complex trauma. Learn innovative, East-meets-West approaches to supporting balance and regulation in the kidney/heart axis in trauma survivors.

The Four Pivotal Patterns in Dermatological Disease

To succeed in composing a formula of herbs, first you must understand the pattern type according to Chinese medicine theory. In dermatological disease, most of that information results from close study of the skin lesions. We shall explore the four pivotal patterns seen in skin disease and their manifestations in a clinical setting, as well as discussion of real clinical cases.

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