Nov. 1-8, 2022
Pacific Symposium
About The Event
Pacific Symposium is the best attended Chinese medicine and acupuncture conference in the US. Typically gathering close to a thousand participants every fall in beautiful Mission Beach, California, Pacific Symposium offers a powerful combination of inspiring presentations, one and two-day workshops, exhibit halls, networking opportunities, and time to recharge your batteries with a beachfront setting, daily outdoor qigong sessions, and fun parties. Pacific Symposium 2024 is excited to welcome Matt Callison, Kiiko Matsumoto, John Chen, Yair Maimon, Stephen Cowan, Alaine Duncan Zev Rosenberg, Clayton Shiu and many more.
Catamaran Resort Hotel and Online
Nov. 1-8 , 2022

Welcome Message from Jack Miller!
Welcome back, friends! It’s such a pleasure to anticipate your return to a live and onsite Pacific Symposium after a two-year hiatus. I’m amazed and inspired by the faculty and curriculum our symposium team has assembled.